3D Vitanica MC

Vitanica® MC

Organic-mineral NPK fertilizer with trace elements based on seaweed extract from Ecklonia maxima for leaf and soil fertilization on greens, tees, fairways and sports fields.
  • Contains bioactive organic components (amino acids and vitamins) from the seaweed Ecklonia maxima
  • Fast effect on plant growth, color, vigour and health of grasses and turf
  • Chelated micronutrients for protection against fixation in the soil
  • Suitable for spraying and watering methods


Vitanica® MC is a liquid organic-mineral NPK fertilizer for leaf and soil fertilization in high-quality turf grass during the whole growth period. Vitanica® MC contains besides the minerals and the seaweed extract a high level of metallic micronutrients in chelated form, especially manganese and copper. The active components are derived from the algea Ecklonia maxima with a very careful and patented coldpressing method.
Vitanica® MC has a fast effect on the plant growth and supports the vitality of the grass through the optimized combination of mineral and organic ingredients. Vitanica® MC has a positive effect on the energetic uptake of the plants und leads to a better assimilation. The high levels of manganese and copper correct the shortages of these micro elements especially in sandy soils. The micronutrients are chelated and therefore protected against fixation in the soil.

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Organic-mineral NPK fertilizer solution 11-3-7 with copper, iron and manganese.
For use in horticulture.
Poor in chloride.

Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn chelated by EDTA

Form of Delivery

  • 1 l bottle
  • 2,5 l canister
  • 5 l canister
  • 10 l canister
  • 20 l canister
  • 200 l barrel
  • 1,000 l IBC
Not all delivery forms are available in all countries.

Transport & Storage Recommendations


  • Delivery as loose goods in big bags or on pallets with bags and canisters.
  • Protect loose goods from moisture during transport.
  • Protect goods from excessive direct sunlight and large temperature fluctuations during transport.
  • Only transport fertilizer at moderate temperatures. Use an air-conditioned lorry if necessary.
  • Take note of any hazardous material labels on the product.


Storage general

  • Protect stored fertilizer from frost, light, and moisture.
  • Store loose goods inside a building and not in outdoor areas. Keep doors closed and cover heaped materials.
  • As the product has a tendency to attract moisture, protect it from rain and standing water.
  • Take note of the hazardous material labels on the product where appropriate.
  • Please check the label or safety data sheet for the appropriate transport conditions and storage temperatures.

Storage temperature

  • Avoid frost and excessively high temperatures.
  • Avoid large temperature fluctuations during storage.

Storage period

  • When stored correctly, fertilizer (excluding liquid fertilizer) can be stored in its sealed original packaging for up to three years after delivery.
  • Products should be used up as quickly as possible once opened.

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