Kick® LDS

Prevent and cure localised dry spot (LDS) and manage water better.
Localised Dry Spot Causes

Heat exposure (varied area sizes and shapes) normally a combination of foot traffic, incorrect or insufficient watering practices, lack of water absorption (hydrophobic soil), reflective heat sources, direct heat over exposure are all often main causes of developing localised dry spot on turf areas.

Usually, localised dry spots develop in turf during the summer months and water repellent rootzones within turf have always been present to some extent especially in predominately sand profiles. But these problems in all soil types have increased and can be affected by the number of issues such as disease and insect pressure, foot traffic and the use of the turf areas.

Signs of LDS appearing:

  • Areas of the turf thinning out.
  • Changed colour (blueish greys to browns) turning into bare areas.
  • The exposed areas gain more heat stress from the sun and can become hard (depending on soil type).
  • The bare patches become inept in water and nutrient absorption (Hydrophobic).

It is important however, to distinguish dry patch from simple drought stress.

LDS - also known as localised dry patch

LDS (also known as localised dry patch) – is generally identified as an area of turf that dries out and becomes difficult to rewet even when copious amounts of water is applied.

It is regularly depicted by the presence of a water repelling from the soil profile (pooling and running off). The source of this water repellent soil has been linked to soil bacterial activity and also the breakdown of organic materials in the root zone as part of natural plant decomposition processes.

Drought stress

Drought stress (it differs from Dry Patch.) - this can be caused by there being no water repellent soil present, and the dryness can be a result of other turf related problems. For example, poor irrigation or poor root establishment and/or growth can have implications to the turf as they effect its ability to utilise the water which is made available.

It’s important to note that sometimes dry patches or spots are the results of fungi due to the residue it leaves on the thatch and soil.

Kick LDS signet
Kick® LDS

Kick® LDS promotes water absorption and even distribution in hydrophobic locations, thus minimising drought damage to your turf.

  • Break-up of hydrophobic sand layers
  • Optimises efficiency of irrigation
  • Preventative & Curative action against local dry spot (LDS)



Kick® LDS is a liquid wetting agent with high effectiveness against localised dry spots on sports turf especially on sand based green's, where dry spots can occur at higher temperatures and longer dry periods.

The individual grains of sand are broken down by organic degradation products, such as. B. cuticular waxes and exudates coated and thus water-repellent (hydrophobic). Meaning, irrigation water does not penetrate into such areas and flows off unused above ground.

The active ingredient in Kick® LDS attaches itself to the hydrophobic soil particles with its apolar ends. The polar, hydrophilic (water-attracting) ends, on the other hand, protrude outwards, which are coated with water and guide it into the dry areas. The effect occurs quickly and lasts over a longer period of time with repeated application.

Kick LDS overview


Trials conducted Dr. Fritz Lord, COMPO EXPERT show an increased soil moisture content at each measured depth compared to control.

An extra 33% moisture content was achieved at both 50 and 150mm depth while an additional 41% moisture content was observed at even great depths of 250mm compared ton control.

This increased moisture within the soil profile helps reduce plant stress and therefore help to reduce the appearance of localised dry spots and drought stress.

Trials data Kick LDS

Product information

Find out more about Kick® LDS and how it can fit into your program and be used to prevent and cure localised dry spot and drought stress.

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