Production Site Krefeld

Safety & Environmental Protection

Quality, safety and environmental concerns are given a particularly high degree of consideration in all our processes.

Our responsibility

The COMPO EXPERT GmbH is aware of its responsibility towards human beings and the environment and does not see quality, environmental protection and safety in a special position but as an integral part of the various business processes.

Retail customers and end users expect a high and satisfactory quality of our products and services. Suppliers and partners want reliable business relationships that bring lasting benefits to both sides. Our employees and neighbors expect a safe work environment as well as an intact environment. For these reasons, we see the fulfillment of these expectations as the central pillars of our sustainable economic success.

Quality, safety and environmental concerns are given a particularly high degree of consideration in all our processes.

High-quality products

It is our high demand on us to offer high-quality products. For this purpose, we work with a quality management system that supports and constantly optimizes our principles of continuous improvement, customer orientation and transparency. Since 1997 we are certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001.


The daily safety of the production depends on the technical quality of the equipment, safe operational procedures, human care and the right attitude.

It is important to share new insights with the entire organization to improve technical standards, identify areas of risk, minimize environmental impact, and selectively adjust work regulations.

As with all health, safety and environmental (HSE) work, the management is responsible, along with the workforce, for identifying causes and implementing countermeasures.

Environmentally compatible production

Emissions (exhaust air, waste water, waste, noise, etc.) are closely monitored so that even minor deviations from normal values are detected. Compliance with the statutory tolerances is thus always guaranteed.

We always strive to increase the efficiency of our production facilities to minimize emissions and conserve resources. It is our intention to anticipate and realize saving potentials already during product development and plant planning. This is how we manage to reconcile ecological and economic principles through our environmental management system.

The proactive dialogue with the public and the authorities ensures the necessary transparency in our company. We have been certified according to ISO 14001 since 2015.

Energy efficient operation

We strive for energy-efficient solutions for our products and their use. We pursue this objective in particular in the procurement of goods and services as well as in the design and operation of our plants.

We reduce our energy consumption for the long term, use energy sparingly and increase our energy efficiency in a continuous improvement process. For technical solutions to increasing energy efficiency we follow state-of-the-art technology.

Our goal is to improve our energy balance and thus reduce our CO2 emissions on a long-term basis. As part of our energy management system, we continuously discover optimization and savings potential in our processes and implement them. We have been certified according to ISO 50001 since 2015.

Product Stewardship

COMPO EXPERT attaches great importance to health, safety, security and environmental protection. That is why we are a proud member of the Fertilizers Europe Product Stewardship Program, which guarantees the highest standards in these areas.

Our Product Stewardship Policy Statement emphasizes our commitment to sustainable practices and the responsible use of our products throughout their life cycle.

Find out more about our commitments and actions by reading our full Product Stewardship Policy Statement.