Basic Information
Turf is a versatile crop and due to the type and intensity of use requires a complex maintenance program.
As one of the leading turf fertilizer manufacturers, COMPO EXPERT offers an extensive portfolio of special fertilizers, biostimulants, soil enhancers and seeds for professional sports turf maintenance, public green areas and landscapes.
Detailed Description
To cover all the specific requirements of turf and to create a modern and advanced fertilization concept, COMPO EXPERT offers a wide range of controlled release fertilizers, organic fertilizers, liquid fertilizer and biostimulants as well as special mineral fertilizers.
The slow-release fertilizer line Floranid® Twin, with a unique combination of the two different nitrogen sources ISODUR® and CROTODUR®, guarantees highest efficiency, homogeneous nutrient distribution and continuous turf growth over a long period without initiating undesirable mass growth. Efficient water management is a big challenge of the future. The COMPO EXPERT wetting agent product line Kick® enables the greenkeeper to cope with this challenge and follow a sustainable turf maintenance program.
Continuous training and the exchange with experts make greenkeeping successful. COMPO EXPERT greenkeeper trainings have provided a very good platform for this since 35 years. In addition, COMPO EXPERT is organized in the International Turf Grass Society (ITS) and the European Turf Grass Society (ETS).
COMPO EXPERT is a member of the German Turf Grass Association (DRG) since over 25 years. The company supports the work of the Greenkeeper Association of Germany (GVD) and Austria (AGA) as well. COMPO EXPERT is also involved in the Sports Turf Research Institute (STRI), the Institute of Groundsmenship (IOG) and the International Golf Greenkeeper Association (BIGGA).