Basic Information
The soya plant is an oilseed and an important food plant in Asia. Soybeans account for the main share of legume production. It is a resilient, flexible crop with local varieties and different maturity groups. Soybeans are processed for their oil (edible uses but also biodiesel production or industrial uses) and meal (for the animal feed industry). A smaller percentage is processed for human consumption (including soy milk, soy flour, soy protein, tofu). Soybeans are also used in many non-food (industrial) products.

Detailed Description
An analysis of the soil is necessary to determine the physical and chemical profile, to define soil type & maturity group, which are needed to set the date of planting and to identify the weeds (type and size). With the above information a soil reposition fertilization plan and a crop fertilization plan can be put together. Soybean can be planted as a first summer crop or as a second crop after the winter crop (wheat, barley or rapeseed). Phosphorus and minor nutrients should be applied during planting. COMPO EXPERT offers a specific fertilization program for this crop.