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COMPO EXPERT on the move into the digital era

Blog digital transformation

COMPO EXPERT is prepared to master the omnipresent challenge of digital transformation. Groundwork is already done and implementation is on its way.

A “digital health check” was conducted last year. The result confirmed that our systems are already operating at an advanced digital level. To bring digital transformation at COMPO EXPERT to the next level, we defined a clear roadmap focusing on three major business areas: Administration, Customer perspective, and Operations. The roadmap is set, the targets until 2025 are fixed.

Executing our digital strategy as planned will enable us to transform COMPO EXPERT into a more customer-centric organization. Automation of business processes will increase efficiency and cloud analytics will provide instant reporting, overview, and analysis. Drone, satellite, and soil sensor technology will also be used to assemble soil and crop data in cartographies. This will accelerate the development of nutrition programs, enhances our customer responsiveness, and thus support our sales team to provide excellence in consulting.

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