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COMPO EXPERT - Reducing CO2 whilst enhancing supply chain performance

CEO-Blog CO2 reduction

As announced in our CEO blog1) from March 2022, we are proud to reveal the first three actions regarding sustainability improvements in logistics. The CO2 emissions caused by street traffic negatively contribute to the earth’s climate and we are transporting about 165.000 tons of fertilizers per truck annually. Without any doubt, we recognized improvement potential in this area.

We focused on frequent traffic routes where we move products from e.g. Krefeld, Germany, to Deinze, Belgium. After diligent investigations, we went for a more environmentally friendly alternative and shifted from truck to barge transport. Subsequently, we cut CO2 emissions by 30%.

Furthermore, we keep on switching to intermodular transport. For example between Krefeld, Germany, and Milan, Italy, we are now carrying the major part of the route (Cologne to Milan) by train instead of truck. By doing this, we saved 1.700 tons of CO2 emissions alone in 2021.

Following the intermodal approach, we are preparing the optimization of transportation from Deinze, Belgium, to Antwerp, Belgium. By using barges instead of trucks for 75 % of the distance, we will be able to reduce 35% of CO2 emissions.

We are enthusiastic about further reducing our global CO2 footprint and will keep you posted.

1)COMPO EXPERT aligning its strategy with Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations | COMPO EXPERT (

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