Basic information
The avocado tree originates from subtropical Central America. Due to its nutritional qualities, the consumption of avocados has been increasing exponentially worldwide. It is a tree with vigorous growth and, therefore, needs high amounts of nutrients every year, to avoid productive alternations. The application of potassium in high quantities is also very important to ensure a good quality of the fruit’s high content of dry matter. During the flowering period foliar applications, especially with boron, calcium and zinc, are recommended to increase the fruitsetting.
Detailed Description
The cultivation of avocado demands large amounts of nitrogen, preferably in a stabilized form (NovaTec® technology), phosphorus in available forms and potassium of excellent quality, to achieve a good harvest as well as a better shelf life of the fruits. To ensure a greater and better fruit setting, the demand for calcium and microelements in the flowering stage is also high. If the avocado is not fertilized with significant amounts of nitrogen, the growth will be weak and the production will decline over time. A year with a high yield will be followed by a year with a lower harvest, therefore, nitrogen applications in spring, summer and autumn with the appropriate quantities are necessary. To keep the production consistently high, we recommend highly efficient products, such as those of the NovaTec® or Basascote® line.
Foliar analysis should not show less than 2% of nitrogen during the growing season and can reach up to 3% for high productions. The second element of importance is the potassium, which must be provided during the whole time of fruit growth. The leaf levels should also be at 2% or more for high productions. Avocados need pollination for their fruit set, so the use of liquid fertilizers like Basfoliar® are essential to achieve a better fruit setting and a higher yield. Biostimulants like Vitanica® RZ or Basfoliar® Kelp SL are also important to stimulate root growth.