Basic information
The challenge of golf turf maintenance and fertilization is the complexity due to the multiple requirements of the different elements of a golf course. Also the concept of sustainability and integrated turf management has to be considered. The main focus of modern fertilization concepts are consistent regeneration growth and optimal support of physiological plant own processes which promote vitalization and stress tolerance as well as proper root development and ultimately the turf quality. Sand based soil constructions for optimal functionality and playing conditions require high efficient nutrient formulas without risk of leaching.

Detailed Description
A golf course consists of different elements and turf species with specific demands which require different greenkeeping concepts. Greens and tees are the areas with the most intensive wear. They are maintained on a deep cutting height on a sand based (FLL/USGA) soil construction and need fine granulated fertilizer with a high solubility and efficiency (e.g. SRF range of Floranid® Twin Eagle products). As a supplement, mainly during the summer weeks with decreasing root systems, liquid formulations are also needed. Products from the Vitanica® line are well suited to be integrated into a modern and effective fertilization strategy. Depending on the goal, these seaweed extract based products have special features and formulas to cover different requirements, such as biotic and abiotic stress management, root promoting and tournament preparation. Fairways and semi roughs are maintained and fertilized on a lower level. Moderate mowing heights allow the use of bigger granules. An intensive spring fertilization is important to overcome the winter damages. Additional applications in early summer and autumn with adapted formulations (balanced formula and potassium dominant formula) are recommended. Slow-release fertilizers, like Basatop® Fair, Floranid® Twin Permanent or Enforce®, ensure a nutrient supply over a long period. The mineral fertilizers from the NovaTec® line can be used as a green up application in early spring or when a quick turf response is needed.