NutiSeed Zn Flo

NutriSeed® Zn Flo

Zinc based fertilizer specially formulated for seed treatment.
  • Product designed for seed treatment, with the highest concentration of zinc in the market.
  • Compatible with the main plant protection products used in seed treatment in the market.
  • High quality formulation (floable with particles of less than two microns in diameter). This determines a high absorption efficiency.
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NutriSeed® Zn Flo is a biopotentiator for seeds that, due to its high concentration of zinc, contains the total extraction needs of the crop, preventing its deficiency. NutriSeed® Zn Flo is a root development enhancer which allow a better establishment and higher final yield of the crop.

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Application Recommendations

For detailed information on application data please get in touch with your local supplier.


PH: 8-9
Density at 20 C: 1.84 g/cc
Zinc (zn): 740 g/l (7,4% Zn w/v) 42,1% Zn w/w

42,1% w/w



More information on the national declaration can be found on the respective country sub-websites.

Form of Delivery

  • 5 l canister
  • 10 l canister
Not all delivery forms are available in all countries.

Transport & Storage Recommendations


  • Protect loose goods from moisture during transport.
  • Protect goods from excessive direct sunlight and large temperature fluctuations during transport.
  • Only transport fertilizer at moderate temperatures. Use an air-conditioned lorry if necessary.
  • Take note of any hazardous material labels on the product.


Storage general

  • Protect stored fertilizer from frost, light, and moisture.
  • Store loose goods inside a building and not in outdoor areas. Keep doors closed and cover heaped materials.
  • Protect it from rain and standing water.
  • Take note of the hazardous material labels on the product where appropriate.
  • Do not stack pallets on top of each other. Check the label or safety data sheet for the appropriate transport conditions and storage temperatures.

Storage temperature

  • Avoid frost and excessively high temperatures.
  • Avoid large temperature fluctuations during storage.

Storage period

  • Products should be used up as quickly as possible once opened.

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