Basic Information
Grain legumes are an important source of protein, both for human and animal nutrition. The bean plant is considered a nutrient-demanding plant, due to the small and shallow root system and the short cycle. Nitrogen is the nutrient most absorbed by the bean plant. Most of the absorbed N comes from the decomposition of organic matter in the soil. However, studies show that the symptomatic N fixation is not sufficient to meet the plant´s demand; therefore, it is recommended to apply this nutrient to the soil in the planting furrow and in coverage. Additionally, studies indicate positive effects through the application of molybdenum and cobalt in the treatment of seeds and for vegetative development. Applications of micronutrients, especially boron, zinc and manganese, to the soil and foliar are essential to increase productivity.

Detailed Information
In addition to the availability or supply of nitrogen (N) from the soil, the possible fixation of atmospheric nitrogen by rhizobium bacteria must also be taken into account. The beans absorb high amounts of N, K and Ca and to a lesser extent S, Mg and P. Beans are very sensitive to low humidity.
For granular application we recommend NovaTec®, for foliar application water soluble fertilizers Hakaphos® or NovaTec® Solub. Biostimulants (e.g. Basfoliar® Kelp SL) can enhance the resistance to this stress and make the crop more profitable. To get a better crop development, micronutrients should be applied foliar (e.g. Fetrilon® Combi) during the vegetative stage.