Basic Information
Melon prefers high temperatures, of hot and not necessarily humid climates. It needs continuous moisture in the soil so that the roots capture all the nutrients we provide. The ambient humidity should be relatively low. Melon has an abundant production and fast growth of roots (which sometimes reach 1 meter deep), thus it prefers light soils with organic matter. The optimum pH for the development lies between 6.5 and 7. Being a cucurbits, insufficient contribution of N causes a significant reduction in the total growth of the plant, mainly on the root system. Also, the available nitrogen influences the aerial/root part proportion. An excessive contribution of N promotes too many vegetative parts and a lack of root exploration can occur. An excess of nitrogen during flowering can reduce female flowers by up to 35% and hermaphrodite flowers by almost 50%. A deficiency in phosphorus can cause a decrease in the growth of the aerial part by 40-45%. If deficient levels of phosphorus and excessive nitrogen coincide during flowering and fertilization, it causes a reduction of up to 70% of the flowering potential and a considerable decrease in the number of fertilized fruits. Severe potassium deficiency during the flowering stage can reduce the number of hermaphroditic flowers by up to 35%. Considering the effects of nutrition on the development and ripening of fruits, potassium and calcium play a decisive role in relation to quality and organoleptic qualities.
Detailed Description
Both melon and watermelon have a high demand for nutritious elements, thus it is necessary to maintain a balance of fertilizers in the soil to avoid diminishing the production capacity. For this reason, the necessary mineral and organic elements must be provided. During the development of the fruits the plant has the highest demand of nutritious elements, such as calcium and potassium. As cucubitaceae, they have an avidity for the absorption of nitrogen. Therefore, it is necessary to provide this element in a constant and balanced way, e.g. with NovaTec® Solub BS. Biostimulation of the roots and the supply of beneficial microorganisms through fertigation with Vitanica® RZ build the foundation of a vigorous crop. Foliar fertilizers with calcium contained in the Basfoliar® range ensure a higher yield without deficiencies. The fruit setting can be enhanced with products like Basfoliar® Kelp SL and the supply of micronutrients, e.g. with Fetrilon® Combi or Zitrilon®.