Basic Information
Coconut is a perennial crop that is preferably grown on deep, well-drained, light to medium textured soils, with a pH of 6-7, rich in organic matter, with a high fertility level. They are grown commercially between latitudes 20 °N and 20 °S, at altitudes of 600 m or less, with a temperature range of 24-29 °C, a relative humidity of 80-90 %, and rainfall of 1500–2300 mm evenly distributed throughout the year. Generally, the coconut crop is not irrigated, except for seed production (seed gardens). They can be planted any time of the year, but preferably at the start of the rainy season. Average annual yields of 80-150 nuts per tree are attained under favorable growing conditions, depending on the variety or hybrid type. The tall varieties would start to flower at 4,5- 5 years from field-planting; while the dwarf varieties would flower at 2-3 years from field-planting.The nut reaches maturity at around 12 months after a complete process of pollination and fruitsetting. On a young palm 1 bunch of nuts matures each month, while the mature palm may bear 10-14 bunches of coconuts at different maturity stages.