Citrus is one of the most important crops worldwide. There are a lot of hectares spread among our landscapes, but it is a particularly important crop for the Mediterranean area, where you can find citrus orchards everywhere. In the last 15 years, the citrus production technology has undergone a rapid development. Nowadays, there are many new varieties and rootstocks but also many new available technologies, which support the farmers in making the right decisions in managing the orchard. Concerning the aspect of nutrition, it makes a difference, whether a citrus orchard is cultivated for juice or for fresh consumption. Therefore, the knowledge of the soil and water properties as well as the climate conditions will define the success of fertilization in relation to the orchard productivity.
Crop Stage Program
Important instructions for use: If several products are mixed while using our product, unforeseen reciprocal effects may occur. It is not possible to foresee all conditions that can occur in practice (e.g. temperature, kind of water, crop protection agents). Therefore, it is highly recommended to test the compatibility and the application of the intended products on a small scale first. We disclaim any responsibilities for damages which may ensue from interactions based on mixtures – especially – with other products, crop protection agents, plant protection products or fertilizers and/or from unusual conditions (temperature, kind of water, etc.). In case of doubt and for information on application data please get in touch with your local supplier, visit our website: or get in touch by e-mail:
Detailed Description
In terms of plant nutrition, the approach for a citrus orchard fertilization depends greatly on the irrigation system that is being used. In the past, watering by flooding was very popular, therefore, the use of granule fertilizers was also widely spread. In the last years, there have been many transformations to the fertirrigation systems, allowing farmers to use watersoluble fertilizers more efficiently. The fertilization of the orchard has to compensate the lost mineral elements, which the plants absorb during the growing period, and add the elements that the soil might lack. Therefore, it is important to know the nutritional needs of the citrus for a specific targeted yield and for each phenological stage.These needs will also depend on the soil’s pH, the physical and biological structure of the soil, as well as the variety, the type of rootstock, and the age of the trees. The intensive cultivation of the orchard necessitates the use of biostimulants, which will help the plant to succeed in spite of the different abiotic and biotic stress.The optimum yield in the cultivation of citrus depends on the correct balance of macro- and micronutrients, which is important to obtain an equilibrium between the number of fruits and their size. Furthermore, targeted applications with calcium, magnesium and microelements, starting even before the blooming stage, are necessary to obtain the best quality and a good post-harvest life. For these requirements of the crop we have alternatives to supply a balanced formula. We recommend the Blaukorn® and NovaTec® line, complemented in fertigation with Hakaphos® or NovaTec® Solub. To complement the requirements of microelements, we offer Fetrilon® Combi 2 in synergy with our line of biostimulants such as Basfoliar® Kelp SL.