Basic Information
Spinach is mainly produced in open field and in temperate regions as it can easily overcome winter conditions. Fresh spinach is sold loose, bunched, or packaged in bags, but can also be sold frozen with a storability of about eight months. In this crop fertilization can strongly affect quality parameters, such as nitrite and nitrate content.

Detailed Description
Spinach is fertilized before sowing with mineral or/and organic fertilizer if the soil content is low. Similar to many green leaf vegetables, high amounts of nitrogen are necessary and should be supplied fractioned. The NET technology, contained in NovaTec® fertilizers, may reduce the number of applications and at the same time increase the ammonium nutrition in contrast to the nitrate nutrition. This can also be important, as the content of nitrate and nitrite are often too high and have to be reduced. For this reason, nitrogen should not be applied in the last stages. A balanced fertilization is the key to the right levels of nitrogen in the soil. Supplementing Iron can improve its content in the final product, but, first of all, it produces darker leaves, which are usually appreciated by the market.The application of potassium through water soluble salts during growth, especially in the last stages, allows to obtain a higher level of dry matter, and, if produced in the winter season, it increases cold tolerance. Vitanica® RZ applied after sowing and as foliar application during the whole cycle allows to obtain vigorous and healthy plants, thanks to a powerful root system.