Basic Information
Sweet pepper requires high amounts of nutrients. As perennial-annual vegetable, it can have several cycles of harvesting from fruit-set to fruit sizing and maturity. Thus vegetative and generative growth occur at the same time after the first fruit-setting. This is an important aspect because it determines the way how peppers should be fertilized. This requires a balanced NPK ratio that maximizes production, but does not affect the continuous growth. In case of a potassium overdose, future harvests might be compromised due to poor new stems and less flowering. Calcium is also a key nutrient, since peppers are very sensitive to a physiological disorder related to calcium, B.E.R. (Blossom End Rot). Trace elements are very important as there are several harvests and a continuous growth of new tips.

Detailed Description
The high chili yields are mainly due to the use of improved cultivars, control of the water regime and nutrition, the latter through techniques such as localized irrigation and fertigation. In the case of sweet peppers, three main types of irrigation systems are usually used, subsurface irrigation, drip irrigation or sprinkler irrigation, depending on region. Similar to eggplant and tomato, the key to achieve good yields and avoid B.E.R. is the water management, which has to compensate water scarcity and balance the humidity. Thus applications of Kamasol® Aqua as an irrigation improver, enhances the water use efficiency. Foliar applications of Basfoliar® Kelp SL and Vitanica® Si monthly improve fruit-set at 0,5 % and 0,3 % respectively, or through irrigation at 3-5 l/ha. Calcium nutrition is also a key factor as well as the vegetative/generative equilibrium. Therefore, Hakaphos® Calcidic plus NPK and plus K are a perfect combination, similar to eggplant. If more potassium is required in the nutrient solution NovaTec® Solub 9-0-43 can be included in the program, but in a different stock solution tank. Vitanica® RZ to strengthen the root system, at a dose of 10 l/ha/application, applied post-transplant. In case of major soil fungus problems, repeat doses 35-45 days after transplant.